As a legal entity, with the authority granted to it on Proclamation (as explained below), the Sungate Owners Association has various statutory duties it has to fulfill in running the Sungate 'town', which require a number of documents, which the SOA refer to as ''The Document Pack''.  Click here to download or view the Document Pack explanation letter. 

The granting of ''Local Authority'' responsibility to the ''Estate Management Company'' is contained in Government Gazette No 4870 dated 16 Jan 2012. The Estate Management Company was duly registered as a Section 21 company named the ''Sungate Owners Association'' in 2013. Click here to view or download the Govt Gazette.

Document Pack:

The main document is the Articles of Association which were registered with the formation of the company in 2013. The document is available to view at our offices by appointment.

The Articles of Association grant the responsibility of running the Association to the Board which is duly elected by the Members of the Association, who are the Owners of the Erven in Sungate, with the Development Company holding seats during the entire Development process. The Articles may only be amended with the Members involvement, but the Board may amend other documents required for effective running of the Association.

Besides the Articles of Association, the main ''daily use'' documents the SOA uses for operating the Township are as follows :

1. Precinct Plans,  2. Design Review Panel guidelines,   3. Estate Rules,  4. General Documentation & Application Forms

1. Precinct Plans: These are the Sungate ''Towns'' main town-planning documents, which have been formally accepted and approved by the Township Board, and, the ''Authority'' of these documents also Gazetted. (see the Gazette clause which states ''The erven shall be subject to the development control measures and guidelines as prescribed in the precinct plans of the Urban Designer in the case when it is more specific than the provisions of the Kapps Farm Town Planning Scheme; and....'').  The document is given to purchasers on or before transfer.

2. Design Review Panel: Because the SOA board are not Townplanners per-se, the function of the plan scrutiny and approval process has been delegated to a Panel of experts who's task it is to ensure the concept designs are in keeping with the Precinct Plans, and complete the process to working drawings. The SOA acts as facilitator of the process. More detailed information is in the Design Review Panel document (click here to view or download the document, and here for an Organigram). This document is reviewed regularly so please revisit our website in future if you have printed it now.

3. Estate Rules: This document contains administrative and code of conduct items typical of an Estate.

4. General Documentation and Applications forms (e.g. water and electricity connections etc) are available from the SOA office. 

Please email if there is something specific you require, as these forms and documents are updated frequently.

Or call  +26461222891


Sungate Owners Association 2020