


Sungate is a private township and is formally proclaimed as such, therefore has its own ''Municipality'', with the powers and authority that go with that. Details are explained in full herein.

 Together with the first transfer (the fuel station site in Aug ‘13) all Conditions of Proclamation were met. This means that all servitudes as required in the township, as approved by Nampab and the Townships Board, have been registered, thus all legal obligations with regards establishment of a “Local Authority” as endorsed in the Township Proclamation have also been met.

 The “Municipality” or “Local Authority” is officially called the “Sungate Owners Association” (SOA). It is a legally registered Section 21 Company with a Board of Directors that currently consists of the Development Company’s representatives (Accolade Properties Namibia) as well as independent owner representative/s approved by the current owners (and will always remain that way whilst there are owners prepared to fill functions as Board Members by contributing time and energy to the functions of the Board).

 The SOA as “Municipality” will not employ a normal municipal staff compliment, but will outsource the functions to private professionally run companies, which functions can be reviewed regularly to ensure cost effective and efficient supply.

The plan submission department, for example, is contracted to a Professional who acts as the head of the Design Review Panel (DRP), which is responsible for the Plan Submission and Approval process.

Also on the DRP, available for consultation if necessary, are Engineering, Town Planning, and Environmental Professionals, etc., thus decisions are not made by a single individual.

The client will submit their plans together with an application fee to the SOA office (as detailed in the Design Review Panel document), which will coordinate the approval process with the DRP through to final SOA approval, whereafter the client may submit the plans to the City of Windhoek for their normal process. The CoW will not accept plans for submission without the SOA ‘‘approved’’ stamp on them.

(It is anticipated that at some stage in the future the City of Windhoek will have more jurisdiction besides final building plan approval, as the City boundaries have been extended, however no further information is available at this stage.)

Sungate Owners Association 2020